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Using PlayStation, Xbox or a Smart TV to access online learning

Posted: 8/01/21

Using PlayStation, Xbox or a Smart TV to access online learning

If you are in need of additional digital devices in your home to allow everybody to get on with their work each day, your child could access Show My Homework and Google Classroom via a PlayStation 4 (or higher spec), Xbox One (or higher spec) or a Smart TV with two USB ports.  All you will need is a keyboard and a mouse (this might be easier than using a console controller).

Just plug in the keyboard and mouse and go to games and apps where you will find your internet browser.

Now all your child needs to do is to search for Show My Homework and Google Classroom, log in to both through their school Google Account and they are ready to go.

Unfortunately, Google Meet isn’t always accessible through all of these devices. The PS4 does not support this and this might be the case for some smart TVs.  Your child could use the screen to access materials that are shared and complete written tasks, and their phone to access the live lesson aspect.

Please remember, your child must access Show My Homework each day where they will find instructions about their lessons.

Please contact your child’s Year Team if you require the loan of a keyboard and mouse.

Smart TV set up for Google Classroom

Xbox and PlayStation set up Google Classroom