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Letter to parents 16/11/20

Posted: 17/11/20

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you are aware, we wrote to you towards the end of the half-term break to inform you that government guidelines had changed regarding the wearing of face masks by students and staff in school.  As you know, masks must now be worn in all communal areas of the school and when students move around the premises (unless, of course, they are exempt on medical grounds).  .

We would like to express our thanks to all of you for helping you children take this matter seriously – the overwhelming majority of students have complied brilliantly with the new regulations and take care to put their masks on whenever necessary, following staff reminders where needed.  This is a key factor in helping reduce transmission risk, as well as helping make all students and staff feel safe on site.

However, there is a very small minority of students who are forgetting to wear their masks and an even smaller one who are not following staff reminders appropriately. 

As a school, we must take our responsibility to public health at this time very seriously.  We appreciate that there may be a range of opinions amongst parents/carers regarding face masks but our expectations as a school are clear. 

If your child is not responding to advice to meet these expectations we will have no option but to issue sanctions in line with our broader behaviour policy, up to and including exclusions from school.  If you have already been contacted regarding your child not wearing/forgetting to wear their mask, please take this opportunity to remind them of what is expected.

To reiterate: the wearing of face masks in certain areas of the school is now a government directive on public health grounds and staff instructions must be followed in this regard.

Once again, our thanks to you for your ongoing support,


Mr Vosper

Deputy Headteacher