Duke of Edinburgh Award

Welcome to the Cheam High School Duke of Edinburgh Award

We are pleased to be able to offer the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award at Cheam. We believe it offers students an opportunity to extend their skills outside of school and develop their independence, fitness and make a contribution to the wider community.

We currently offer students in Year 9 the opportunity to complete the Bronze Award and students in Year 10 the opportunity to complete the Silver Award. From 2024/25, we will also be offering Year 12 students the opportunity to complete the Gold Award.

Cheam High School Duke of Edinburgh Award

Academic Year





Year 9

Year 10 and 12



Year 9

Year 10 and 12



Year 9

Year 10

Year 12


School Contacts:

DofE Co-ordinators: Mrs Wicks and Miss Drewett

DofE Silver Co-ordinator: Mx Muller

Please contact: dofe@cheam.sutton.sch.uk if you have any queries relating to the Duke of Edinburgh Award.


Bronze Award

The Bronze Award will take a minimum of 6 months to complete.

Out of the Volunteering, Physical and Skill sections, you will choose one to do for at least 6 months. The other two sections will then last 3 months each.

To complete the Expedition which will give you the full award, you will need to:

  • Undertake training
  • Successfully complete a Practice Expedition
  • Successfully complete a Qualifying Expedition

 Bronze award


Silver Award

It will take you at least 6 months to complete the Silver Award if you have already achieved your Bronze, or 12 months if you’ve jumped straight into Silver.

  • Volunteering section: 6 months
  • Physical and Skills sections: One section for 6 months and the other section for 3 months
  • Expedition section: 3 days/2 nights

If you didn’t do Bronze, you must undertake a further 6 months in either the Volunteering or the longer of the Physical or Skills sections.

Silver award


Further general information about the Duke of Edinburgh Award can be found here:


For detailed information about the Bronze Award, please click here:


For detailed information about the Silver Award, please click here:


Page Documents Date  
Bronze Award Assembly Information 13th Jan 2023 Download
Bronze Kit List 22_23 18th Jan 2023 Download
Physical Activity Log 02nd Feb 2023 Download
Skills Activity Log 02nd Feb 2023 Download
Volunteering Activity Log 02nd Feb 2023 Download
Bronze Key Dates 22_23 UPDATED 13th Mar 2023 Download