Preparing for Sixth Form - Year 11-12 Transition Work

At Cheam High School we believe it is vital for students to prepare as much as possible for their Sixth Form courses. Background reading and becoming familiar with specifications are very useful before starting courses in September.

For this reason and in the current situation we find ourselves in, departments have put together transition work for prospective students. This work is designed to prepare students for Sixth Form study so that they can start their courses ahead of the game. The work varies from department to department and may include specifications, tasks, resources and links for students in advance of their first lesson in September.

Click on the following subject links to see the transition work.

Accounting Dance Health & Social Care Physical Education
Art - Fine Art Drama History Physics
Art - Graphic Design Economics ICT Politics
Biology English Maths Y11 Psychology
Business Fashion Textiles Maths Y12 Public Services
Business CTEC Film Studies Further Maths Science BTEC
Chemistry Food Science & Nutrition Media CTEC Sociology
Computer Science French Music Performance Spanish
Criminology Geography Music Technology Sport BTEC
  German Philosophy Travel & Tourism
  Hairdressing Photography EPQ