SEND: Support principles and the SEND Charter
The school adopts the following key principle:
“Every teacher is a teacher of SEND and every leader is a leader of SEND and so SEND needs to be woven in and not bolted on to the fabric of the school.”
All students in KS3 and KS4 are entitled to have access to the full range of the curriculum offered at the school or an appropriate curriculum within the specialist base.
Supporting students in Years 7 - 13 with Special Educational Needs is the responsibility of all our staff. The Code of Practice highlights that every teacher has a responsibility for the progress of their students with SEND and is expected to respond with high quality teaching, appropriate differentiation and specific strategies.
The school aims to assist all students to achieve and develop by:
- treating each child as an individual bearing in mind his or her particular needs and the expectations and needs of the school community
- helping each child to achieve his or her full potential and to appreciate and value his or her own strengths
- providing a safe and secure learning environment within which each individual is valued and respected
- preparing each child for the choices, opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life
- working in partnership with parents/carers of students with Special Educational Needs to further their child's education
Support and Resource Needs:
With regard to provision of support, the school aims to meet the following principle:
Students’ SEN needs are the passport to support; the presence or absence of an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) will not be a barrier to students getting the support they need. Support and resources are focused on working with or for children to ensure success.
SEND Charter
The school adopts the Sutton SEND Charter. This holds certain values dear, and we share those values. The full charter can be found here.