Term 2 Assessments 2024/25

Assessment window 2

Assessments for each year group will take place in the second half of term 2. Please see below for the dates for each assessment week.

Year group

Type of assessments



In class assessments

10th - 14th March


In class assessments

3rd - 7th March


In hall assessments

31st March - 4th April


In hall assessments

17th - 21st March


In hall assessments

24th - 28th February


Year 7/8 assessments will take place in class, during lesson time.  Teachers will inform students of the exact date of each assessment via Satchel One. Please make sure to check regularly so that you can organise your time appropriately prior to these assessments.

Year 9/10/11 assessments will take place in the main school hall.  Timetables will be available for these shortly.

Revision booklets and guidance will be published for these assessments closer to the time and will be shown below. They will include information on the topics assessed per subject and resources that can be used to prepare for these assessments.

It is expected that students stay on top of their work throughout the year in order to make revision more manageable and less overwhelming in the run up to assessments. Parents should support their child at home by providing the space and resources for students to review and consolidate learning done in the classroom.


Revision Booklets 

Revision icons 2024 25 year11Revision icons 2024 25 year8Revision icons 2024 25 year7