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We welcome you to the Cheam High School website. We have designed it to give students, parents/carers, staff, governors and the wider community the information that they need. We also hope that it gives all visitors a sense of the school and what it offers to its students and its community.

Mr P Naudi - Head Teacher

Ms R Allott - Executive Principal/CEO

  • AraniYear 13I am Arani and I am the STEM Ambassador for Year 13. STEM is a great opportunity to inspire others about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. I learnt how to transfer and apply my skills across various subjects and showcase scientific discipline. There is a STEM club ran across all year groups where we work together to challenge ourselves and encourages others to do so too. “As the world is becoming more inclusive and diverse, we can encourage more young girls to peruse their passion in this field”.
  • DanielYear 12The beginning of Sixth Form can be a challenge with all the new room changes, teachers and people. The amount of support that is available and that has been given has been incredible. All of the teachers and year team members are very supportive, understanding and are always available when you need help.
  • PhoenixYear 10One reason I like this school is its amazing leadership events and the wonderful opportunities it gives students to be rewarded. From most improved to best attendance, the school offers a range of incentives including commendations and postcards home from teachers. Students actually make some postcards, which makes it feel even more special! Overall, I have enjoyed my time in Cheam so far and look forward to many more good years to come.
  • KristinaYear 11There are so many things I enjoy about being at Cheam High School. Despite being a large school, Cheam feels like a family. The supportive staff and Year Team encourage all students to do their best and there is a real push for academic students with extension work. I have enjoyed trips and experiences. I particularly enjoy extra-curricular clubs like netball. We are awarded in school for hard work with praise and badges! We are supported by our tutors and Year Team to attend school every day and it is great to get a tutor group breakfast for 100% attendance.
  • RohailYear 8Hello my name is Rohail and I am 12 years old. The transition to Cheam High School for me was huge, as the school is really big compared to my primary school. At first I was slightly nervous, however, we did lots of fun activities on the transition days to help us get to know the school and the teachers. I am really enjoying high school and learning new things. One of my favourite lessons is Science. I have also joined many different extra-curricular clubs – highlights for me have been rock climbing and table tennis.
  • NiallYear 9My journey at Cheam High School started in 2021 as a nervous child in a HUGE blazer. I soon gained my confidence with support from amazing teachers and staff. I’ve made new friends and we have stuck together throughout the whole of Year 7 and we are still friends now. I’m a very proud member of the Drama Committee, one of many different opportunities and clubs available and inclusive for everyone. I am glad I was able to come to this school and grow into my blazer.
  • DanielYear 10One thing I really like about Cheam is that the school is very friendly. Since Year 7, I have felt very welcomed by the teachers and they have helped me with my work whenever I needed it. My favourite subjects are Computer Science and English. I would recommend Cheam High School to students in primary school because it will help you to be confident, there are a wide variety of clubs and subjects to choose from and you will make new friends.
  • JacobYear 11There are lots of extra-curricular clubs at Cheam to take part in. I really enjoy attending German and the Chess club. My Year Team, Leadership Team and staff in the homework club are supportive and always help me to achieve my best. We have lots of trips and experiences which have bettered my learning and we get rewards and IRIS points for good work in class. My tutor rewards our tutor group as a whole for good work which I find really encouraging.
  • ChloeYear 8Cheam High is great, as the teachers are always giving you advice on how to handle your homework and you can talk to them about anything you’re worried about. There are clubs that help with both of those things too. Everyone is so friendly and the older students are helpful, as they look out for you and if they think you look worried, they will come and make sure everything is ok. I’ve loved the transition between primary school and high school and I hope you do too!